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double exposure technique造句

"double exposure technique"是什么意思  
  • This calibration is usually carried out by employing a double exposure technique in which the diffraction pattern and electron image of a crystal of molybdenum trioxide are successively exposed
  • This inversion will lead to an additional 1800 relative rotation between the diffraction pattern and micrograph that would not be detectable in the double exposure technique illustrated in fig . l . 3
    图表1 . 3所示的双曝光技术中对于衍射模型和显微图并没有表示出来,这个倒置,就在衍射模型和显微图之间形成了一个额外的1800相关旋转。
  • It's difficult to see double exposure technique in a sentence. 用double exposure technique造句挺难的
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